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Praying Hands


Prayer is the foundation of everything we do as a church family.


Prayer acknowledges the power of God to change circumstances, to inspire vision, to impart wisdom and to bring transformation and healing to hearts and minds and bodies. Prayer also acknowledges God's goodness and love. He calls us to pray to him as a Heavenly Father to work in our lives and our world in a way only He can.


Our church was planted through prayer, we've seen people healed as the Lord worked through people's prayers, and we've seen many people who once did not know God come to follow Him through prayer. Increasingly, our Sunday morning services are marked by prayer, and our various ministries are bathed in prayer. 



Pre-Service Prayer

Every Sunday at 9.45-10:15am we meet to pray before the service and everyone is welcome to join us. 


Post-Service Prayer

After every Sunday service we have people available to talk and pray about any personal needs you may have. 


Prayer Chain

Sign up for our email Prayer Chain to receive prayer requests/updates, and to pray and lift one another up before God. If you'd like to be a part of this, please email us.


Online Prayer Meeting

We hold an online Prayer Meeting on Zoom on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 7:30-8:10pm. Please contact Pastor Daniel for an invitational link to join us.


Prayer Walk

We hold a Prayer Walk in our community on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 10:30-11:30am to ask God's spiritual covering over our community and also His loving breakthrough into their lives and families. If you want to join us for a Prayer Walk, please contact Pastor Daniel to let him know so that the team can wait for you before leaving on the walk. Meet at WHC building near the car park.








Purposefully being with Jesus, increasingly becoming like Him, actively doing as He did, even as we invite others to follow Him.

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